How does the advertising industry take full responsibility for its climate impact?


It starts with measuring the right thing…

The more adverts we see, the more stuff we buy, the more stuff gets made and more emissions are generated. Everything has an associated carbon footprint. 

Purpose Disruptors and econometrics agency Magic Numbers introduced a new metric to measure this effect - ‘Advertised Emissions’. Our latest report calculated in 2022, the advertising industry was responsible for 208 million tonnes of CO2 emissions.

Advertised Emissions provides a framework so the industry, as architects of demand, can transition from promoting high-carbon brands to low-carbon alternatives, and accelerate societal shift towards a sustainable future.

Our innovative approach is recognised globally. The framework has been adopted as leadership practice by the UNFCCC Race to Zero campaign.

Advertising’s Evolutionary Moment

At New York Climate Week, we’ve launched a groundbreaking case study. Hear from two climate pioneers from leading advertising agencies M&C Saatchi and OLIVER as they share their journey in adopting the 'Serviced Emissions Principles' outlined by Race to Zero. They discuss measuring the holistic impact of their business and provide a practical roadmap for the advertising sector to lead on climate action.

Advertised Emissions
Temperature Check 2022

Our latest report, which we previewed at COP27, tracks the advertising industry’s progress since 2019. The numbers are not going in the right direction. Despite a dip during Covid-19, Advertised Emissions are up by more than 10% since 2019

The findings outline that the advertising industry is responsible for more consumption related emissions than ever before, 208 million tonnes of CO2e to be exact.

Hear context behind what was driving the increases and decreases of Advertised Emissions during this time. Hear recommendations, on how the industry can transition to halve emissions by 2030.

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Advertised Emissions Report 2021

Our first landmark report launched at COP26. The first of it’s kind to measure the influence of advertising on consumption based emissions.

With the help of leading econometrics agency Magic Numbers, we pioneered a new measurement framework. We calculated in 2019 the advertising industry was responsible for 186 million tonnes of CO2 emissions.

This is the equivalent of adding an extra 28% to the annual carbon footprint of every single person in the UK.

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 Watch us at COP27


We previewed our Advertised Emissions - The Temperature Check 2022 report headlines at COP27 this year, shining a light on advertising’s role in driving consumption.

Purpose Disruptors Product Manager, Nadeen Ayyashi, was joined by Chief Strategy officer at Iris, Ben Essen, Co-founder and Chief Solutionist at Futerra, Solitaire Townsend, and Managing Partner, BrainOxygenLLC, Bill Wescott. You can watch the talk here. We’re first up.

Nadeen Ayyashi, Advertised Emissions Product Director, speaking at COP27, Sharm El-Sheikh, November 2022


Watch the 2022 report launch Q&A


your questions answered

Listen to our Q&A to feel “a glimmer of hope” be “better informed” & “energised and excited” about catalysing change in our industry.

Jonathan Wise, Co-founder of Purpose Disruptors and Dr Grace Kite, CEO of leading econometrics agency Magic Numbers, run through the methodology, context and key findings of our latest report Advertised Emissions - The Temperature Check 2022. Joined by 100 industry insiders who asked some brilliant and important questions on our revelatory report.